This semester Big 8 will happen between November 15-21 and the WOC between November 22-28.
Will athlete students after a week of puting their body to the limit with long-lasting games and muscular endurance exercises be able to spend a week out of their homes travelling to another place to study ?
In my opinion it will be really hard to athlete students to show effort in WOC after Big 8. Especially in places that they don't have desire to be at like Acre/Amazonas and Minas Gerais.
Post your answer in comments.
Will athlete students after a week of puting their body to the limit with long-lasting games and muscular endurance exercises be able to spend a week out of their homes travelling to another place to study ?
In my opinion it will be really hard to athlete students to show effort in WOC after Big 8. Especially in places that they don't have desire to be at like Acre/Amazonas and Minas Gerais.
Post your answer in comments.